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NSCB Publishing Webinar 3: Making Good Choices: Journal Selection and Predatory Publishing
Batch webinar- Predatory journals
NSCB Publishing Webinar 2: Ethics, Data Ownership, Plagiarism, Authorship and Conflicts
Jennifer Thomson on Publishing: International reputation and predatory journals
Webinar on Predatory Publishing Practices (2 February 2021)
Deceptive or Predatory Publishers: What They Are & How to Evaluate Them
#Fatemeh_Heidary: Webinar on Predatory Journals and Black List وبینار مجلات یغماگر و لیست سیاه
SAHARA के निवेशकों ने क्यों कहा आज भी हमारे भगवान हैं सहारा #invbiharjharkhand
SAHARA ने कर ली तैयारी सावधान SEBI. अब सहारा लड़ेगा आर- पार की लड़ाई invbiharjharkhand